First, click the Classes tab, then navigate to your class page by clicking on the class name.

On the class page, select +Add Students to reveal the unique link for that class.

The class link is a direct link to the student registration page and contains the secure access code to your class.
Click the little clipboard icon to the right of the class link to copy it (do not click on the link itself). Then paste the link however you choose to share it (such as via Canvas or email).

When students click on the link, they will be taken to the secure registration page, where they will be prompted to create their accounts. If a student with an existing account clicks on the class link, they will automatically transfer into that class.
IMPORTANT NOTE: As a teacher, do not try to test the Share link by clicking on it. The link is for registering students only. If you click on it, you will see an error message, which is a function of the system to prevent teachers from being registered in a class as a student.
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