Super users have the option to add a property so make sure you have super user permissions before moving forward. To add a property follow these steps:
1. Go to the LMS Admin by clicking 'Admin' in the drop-down navigation.
2. Once in the Admin, click on the Properties tab.
3. On the Properties page you will see a link to 'Add a Property'. Click on the 'Add a Property' link.
4. After clicking the 'Add a Property' link you will now see a form. All properties require a name and a brand if your organization uses brands.
Optional fields include:
- Property Code - used for internal identification. So if your organization uses unique identifiers then you can use this field to id the property in our system.
- Property Access Code - used if your organization requires access codes to register to a property. Adding an access code here will mean that a user must enter this code in order to register to this property.
- Brand - if your organization uses brands then it is recommended that this value is set. Otherwise, it will be hard to find the property when searching for it as a brand is used for search and reporting criteria.
- Country - recommended. Although optional, adding a country will help with reporting and search criteria.
- Property Groups - used to group properties into custom groups such as regions, territories, etc. Property groups are used for various features such as search, reporting and also limiting access.
Bulk Add Properties
Properties can be added in bulk via a comma-separated value (CSV) file. To use this feature follow the same instructions as above but click the 'Bulk Add Properties' link instead. Once on the 'Bulk Add Properties' page follow the directions.
When adding properties by bulk you will have the option of first creating property groups, which then can be assigned to imported properties. So if you are uploading properties by region you can assign each file you upload to a given region.
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